Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 8 - Verify Traffic

Been a little behind in posting. Trying to travel in my RV to see the family, while trying to keep up with the 30DC - broken finger and all! (That's a story for another time. . .)

o on Day 8

Object: From the list of phrases, narrow down your list to two by comparing it with a known baseline.

Using the phrase "male yeast infection" as a baseline measure of 500 searches per day, compare it with one of your umbrella phrases in Google Trends. The search should have no quotes for male yeast infection, but quotes around your umbrella phrase.

The graph should look like this, but there is too much traffic on this phrase - narrow down your umbrella phrase.


1. Find phrases that will give you 80 to 100 searches per day.
2. Compare against make yeast infection (not all phrases will show in chart)
3. Compare the English bar line, unless specifically another country product.
4. Default on the side of bad numbers

***Magic number is 200 people to your site per day.

GOAL: 2 phrases. 2 different markets that meet this criteria:

Searches Per Day: 80 - 100
Competing pages: 25,000 to 30,000
Number of Adwords Ads: (Is someone actually selling something)
Number of Affiliates: (Will you be able to use them for market research?)