Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Day 7 - August 7 Tuesday- Competition Research

OK - here's what you need to do now. Find an umbrella phrase (keyword phrase) with the following process, that meets the certain criteria:


a) You go into Wordtracker and type your keyword and see what else lists underneath it.

So like with Speed-reading - you take the keyword at the top of the list initially.

b) You then type that keyword into Google Search in Phrase match - Phrase match means you put quotation marks around it.

So you type "Speed Reading"

c) You see how much competition there is - which you assess in the top bar towards the right, so it will say 1-100 of whatever number for "keywords" (84mill for speed reading).

d) Our desired figure we want to see is under 25,000 - 30,000 results (competing pages)

e) If it is above 25-30K you go back to Wordtracker and look at the list again

f) You take the keyword underneath it

g) You want the Word-tracker traffic figure to ideally be between 80-100 daily searches or more for any keyword phrase that you are researching.

It is the keyword phrase underneath the main keyword phrase that is called the Umbrella Phrase.

So in this example Robert checked "speed reading free" and as he said ideally you would want more than 62 searches daily - he is using it for the point of the exercise.

h) You then type in the "umbrella keyword" - which in this example was "speed reading free" and you want to see if it has under 25-30K competing pages (the results).

OK - so remember you are looking at this stage to see:

a) between 80-100 + daily searches in Wordtracker - first tick

b) Does it have less than 25-30K competing pages? (IMPERATIVE)

And add these results to your spreadsheet accordingly.

Keep working through the keyword lists for a niche idea if the first couple are over 80-100 searches, but have way too many competing pages.

If you don't have over 80-100 searches per day to begin with - put onto the reserve bench* & move onto your second niche idea.