Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 15 - The Why - I Think I Get It

Why are we here?

To learn how to make money on the web.

Is this process different?

Yes and No. The basics are always the same. Whether you are selling through direct mail, the internet, or at a roadside fruit stand, there are four things that will never change.
  • market research
  • traffic
  • conversion and
  • product
We are trying to get listed in Google. Why? Because they are the place to be. Everybody googles. It has 60% of the market. We want to be in the "Google Club".

How do we do that? By getting great content to the people who are searching for it. Period. This is just the process to do that. No underhanded, backdoor, black hat marketing - just plain old market research and quality content.

Now go write 6 more articles (blurbs).