Wednesday, July 4, 2007

New 30 Day Challenge!

I'm so excited. Ed Dale is offering to teach us how to make money by marketing on the internet - again. And again he is not charging - it's totally free. The Challenge starts August 1st (which is a crazy time for me as I'll be right in the middle of my vacation) - but Ed does not schedule his training around my holidays (at least not yet).

I joined Ed's 30 Day challenge the first time he offered it and I have to tell you I have made money. His goal was for his students to make their first dollar.

I did. I made one dollar, I made hundreds of dollars, and I've made thousands.... now I'm going for my million!

So here I am again. Willing to put in the time that Ed and his buds require, to learn more so I can make more. And you can join us, or you can just watch. Because, this year, I am going to try to use this blog to write my experiences with this process. So check back often and see how I do.

- Daneille

PS. You can sign up for the Thirty Day Challenge Here.

PPS. And if you think this is all about making money . . . check out my new website called Charity Intersection - which is all about giving - even if you think you have nothing to give.